Privacy Policy
Although Pro Oxygen LLC is not a medical facility and is therefore not regulated by the Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), we make a best effort to follow the HIPAA guidelines in order to protect the privacy of your "Protected Health Information" (PHI). By using Pro Oxygen's Website and/or becoming a Member of Pro Oxygen, you consent to the terms and conditions in this privacy notice.
1. Pro Oxygen LLC Responsibilities.
Pro Oxygen LLC shall take steps to protect the privacy of your "Protected Health Information" (PHI.) PHI includes information that we have created or received regarding your health or payment for a wellness service. PHI includes both your health history and personal information such as your name, address, and phone number.
Using the HIPAA as a guideline, Pro Oxygen LLC will take steps to:
• Protect the privacy of your PHI. All of our employees, medical officers, and technicians are required to maintain the confidentiality of PHI and receive appropriate privacy training;
• Provide you with this Notice of Privacy Policy explaining our duties and practices regarding your PHI;
• Follow the practices and procedures set forth in the Notice.
2. Uses and Disclosures of Your Protected Health Information That Do Not Require Your Authorization.
Pro Oxygen may use and disclose PHI in a number of ways connected to your treatment sessions, your payment for treatments, and our wellness center operations. Some examples of how we may use or disclose your PHI without your authorization are listed below:
• To our medical officers, employees, technicians and others involved in your wellness treatments;
• To other health care providers treating you who are not on our staff such as emergency room staff, your primary physician and enhanced oxygen therapy specialists;
• To administer your wellness treatments or membership;
• To bill you for the services we provide;
• To pay others who provide wellness programs or benefits to you;
• To administer and support our business activities or those of other health care organizations (as allowed by law) including providers and plans. For example, we may use your PHI to review and improve the care you receive and to provide training;
• To other individuals (such as consultants and attorneys) and organizations that help us with our business activities. (Note: If we share your PHI with other organizations for this purpose, they must agree to protect your privacy.)
We may use or disclose your Protected Health Information without your authorization for legal and/or governmental purposes in the following circumstances:
• Required by law - When we are required to do so by state and federal law, including workers' compensation laws.
• Public health and safety - To an authorized public health authority or individual to:
- Protect public health and safety.
- Prevent or control disease, injury, or disability.
- Report vital statistics such as births or deaths.
- Investigate or track problems with prescription drugs and medical devices. (Food and Drug Administration.)
- Abuse or neglect - To government entities authorized to receive reports regarding abuse, neglect, or domestic violence.
- Oversight agencies - To health oversight agencies for certain activities such as audits, examinations, investigations, inspections,
and licensures.
- Legal proceedings - In the course of any legal proceeding in response to an order of a court or administrative agency and, in certain
cases, in response to a subpoena, discovery request, or other lawful process.
- Law enforcement - To law enforcement officials in limited circumstances for law enforcement purposes. For example disclosures
may be made to identify or locate a suspect, witness, or missing person; to report a crime; or to provide information concerning
victims of crimes.
We may also use or disclose your Protected Health Information without your authorization in the following miscellaneous circumstances:
• Family or Emergency Contact—To a member of your family or the person you identify as your Emergency Contact—when you are either not present or unable to make a health care decision for yourself and we determine that disclosure is in your best interest.
• Appointment reminders—To you, to remind you in writing or by phone, voicemail, or email that you have an appointment with us, unless you specifically ask us to communicate with you through a different method as described later in this Notice.
• Treatment alternatives—To communicate with you about treatment services, options, or alternatives, as well as health-related benefits or services that may be of interest to you, or to describe our wellness services to you.
• De-identify information—If information is removed from your PHI so that you can’t be identified, as authorized by law.
• Threat to health or safety—To avoid a serious threat to the health or safety of yourself and others.
3. Uses and Disclosures of Your Protected Health Information That Require Us to Obtain Your Authorization.
Except in the situations listed in the sections above, we will use and disclose your PHI only with your written authorization.
In some situations, federal and state laws provide special protections for specific kinds of PHI and require authorization from you before we can disclose that specially protected PHI. In these situations, we will contact you for the necessary authorization.
4. Your Rights Regarding Your Protected Health Information.
You have the right to:
• Request restrictions by asking that we limit the way we use or disclose your PHI for treatment, payment, or wellness operations. You may also ask that we limit the information we give to someone who is involved in your care, such as a family or friend. Please note that we are not required to agree to your request. If we do agree, we will honor your limits unless it is an emergency situation.
• Ask that we communicate with you by another means. For example, if you want us to communicate with you at a different address we can usually accommodate that request. We may ask that you make your request to us in writing. We will agree to reasonable requests.
• Request a copy of your PHI. We may ask you to make this request in writing and we may charge a reasonable fee for the cost of producing and mailing the copies. In certain situations we may deny your request and will tell you why we are denying it. In some cases you may have the right to ask for a review of our denial.
• Ask usually to amend PHI about you that we use to make decisions about you. Your request for an amendment must be in writing.
• Seek an accounting of certain disclosures by asking us for a list of the times we have disclosed your PHI. Your request must be in writing and give us the specific information we need in order to respond to your request. You may request disclosures made up to six years before your request. You may receive one list per year at no charge. If you request another list during the same year, we may charge you a reasonable fee.
• Request a paper copy of this Notice.
5. Email.
By utilizing our services or replying to our emails, you acknowledge that you are aware that email is not a secure method of communication, and that you agree to the risks. If you would prefer not to exchange personal health information via email, please notify us at info@pro-oxygen.com.
6. Changes to our Privacy Policy.
Pro Oxygen LLC may change the terms of this Notice at any time. The revised Notice would apply to all PHI that we maintain.
Questions and Complaints
If you have any questions about this Notice or would like an additional copy, please contact us at info@pro-oxygen.com.
If you think that we may have violated your privacy rights or you disagree with a decision we made about access to your PHI, you may send a written complaint to the Pro Oxygen LLC, 330 Paseo Del Pueblo Sur, Unit J, Taos, NM 87571.
Effective Date: April 1, 2016